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Since April 1, 2016


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Welcome to Itako First Junior High School Website!

Itako First Junior High School

Itako First Junior High School
This is the official site of the Itako First Junior High School in Ibaraki Prefecture.

Message From the Principal

I would like to express my deepest and sincerest gratitude to everyone in accepting this position of education and instruction at Itako First Junior High. 

This year I had the pleasure of welcoming 72 new first year students into the school bringing the total number to 208. Together, we the teachers of Itako First, will strive in the encouragement and education of these fine individuals.

For each and every one of these pupils we will continue to develop and strengthen the bonds of cooperation from elementary school through their years of junior high school.

「Greet everyone with a strong, confident voice.」
「Give everyone who speaks your honest attention.」
「Treat yourself as well as those around you with respect.」
「Perform your studies and club activities to the best of your ability.」

I believe these to be the main goals that every Junior High School Student should strive for in their daily life. However, these important points cannot be achieved without the support of the families, friends and teachers.

「Early to Bed, Early to Rise and a Healthy Breakfast」

Following this practice is key to developing as a student in your studies, after-school activities and growth into adulthood.

I believe very strongly in the simple policy of 'A Happy and Inquisitive Mind'. Furthermore, I believe that together the staff of the school have a responsibility as guardians and mentors of the students to develop a 'Happy and Inquisitive School'. 

This involves three key practices:
1) Approaching your studies with energy and enthusiasm in the classroom.
2) All staff possessing a strong dedication toward teaching.
3) Trust and cooperation between staff as well as students.

In order for these practices to be accomplished, cooperation together at school, home and in the wider community is paramount.

Be sure to study diligently and acquire knowledge. Enrich your individuality and creativity. Develop strong minds, spirits and grow into strong healthy students. From here on I ask for your cooperation toward the betterment of this school's education. 

Also, be sure to check the schools homepage for information and news of the students daily activities and lessons and please feel free to contact me anytime you have any questions or concerns regarding the education and instruction of your children.

My sincerest regards
Itako First Junior High Principal,
Toshio Nishikiori


Contact Us

Postal Code
AddressIbaraki-ken, Itako-shi, Itako 1270, JAPAN
+81-299-62-2334 (Main Line)
+81-299-62-3039 (School Counselor's Room)
E-mail addressitako1-jh (at) itako.ed.jp
please change (at) to the @ mark